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> Guild - A-20 Marley (밥말리모델 통기타)

Guild - A-20 Marley (밥말리모델 통기타)
제조회사 : Guild
소비자가 : 650,000
판매가격 : 499,000원
수량 EA

상품 상세 설명
Shape :D - Dreadnought
Body Top : Solid Sitka Spruce
Top Bracing Pattern ::Scalloped X
Soundhole Diameter :3 7/8" (98mm)
Rosette :Madeira Pattern Black and White ABS
Top Purfling Inlay : White / Black / White / Black / White ABS
Body Sides : Mahogany
Body Back : Mahogany
Body Binding : Black ABS

Based on Bob Marley’s at-home, songwriting guitar,
the Guild A-20 Marley is a worthy tribute to the reggae legend.
Many of Marley’s hits through the seventies were written
on his Guild Madeira acoustic guitar.
The A-20 reintroduces Marley’s beloved dreadnought to the world along with a few modern appointments. Built with a solid spruce top and mahogany back and sides, the full-bodied and powerful tone of this dreadnought provides Marley fans and songwriters alike with an easy-to-play, well-balanced acoustic guitar. The C-shaped neck with a 25 1/2 scale length allows for a relaxed and comfortable feel. Unique features include a vintage-correct, flat, round-cornered headstock with vintage Guild script logo, custom pickguard with Bob Marley signature, and a MARLEY script inlay on the 12th fret. Additional features include a pau ferro fingerboard and bridge, bone nut and saddle, and a matte polyurethane finish. Available in Natural. As a continuation of Bob Marley’s love for music and planet, the guitar includes a premium Marley X Guild gig bag made from recycled nylon. Additionally, Guild has partnered with One Tree Planted to plant a tree for every Marley guitar made. The included booklet contains the history of Marley’s Guild Madeira, first-hand stories from his family, details on how the A-20 was made, and official chords for one of Bob Marley’s biggest hits. Three custom guitar picks display a lion and Guild G-Shield in gold ink. Finally, an exclusive poster featuring Bob Marley and his original Guild is included to commemorate the legacy of one of the world’s greatest songwriters.
** 5만원이상 구입시 무료배송입니다. (착오없으시기 바랍니다.)
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주소: 서울시 종로구 낙원동 237-2 2층 | 전화 : 02-3673-4290,010-3272-9787, FAX 02-742-6392
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    Guild - A-20 Marley (밥말리모..